Maintaining Control with a Trailer Tracking System

As the weather continues to get warmer and more consistent, job sites are opening up and the transportation industry is full steam ahead. For any company in the business of using trailers, whether it be to transport them across the country or to simply store something on a job site temporarily, it pays to know … Read more

Prove Your Case Against Slammers and Scammers

When an accident occurs, it can lead to a roundtable of pointing blame and arguing faults, especially if there isn’t an officer to mediate the situation. Beyond the physical vehicle damage, there can be psychological damage, bodily injury, and financial issues. For example, if one party doesn’t have insurance, that’s a problem. Or perhaps the … Read more

The Real Cost of Lost Tools

lost tools, tools left behind

Any successful company takes control of any issues that are within its power to remedy. From a late employee to a maintenance check on a fleet vehicle, proud companies are always solving problems and establishing preventative methods for the future. Protecting the company should be the top priority of every executive, but sometimes there are … Read more

Why Your Transit Company Needs a Smart Dashcam System with GPS Tracking

real time tracking, gps map, dash camera with gps tracking

A camera system wouldn’t be strong if it didn’t have practical features. The cameras are equipped with 4G LTE, which takes your real-time audio and video and uploads it to you immediately. The cloud storage system gives you storage from the previous 90 days of recording but allows you to download as much of the … Read more

The Cost of False Insurance Claims and How to Prevent Accident Fraud

car accident upset man and woman insurance fraud fraud protection

For every company, safety is the first priority and creates a solid foundational environment for everything else to fit into nicely. Within the broad term of safety, we can talk about driver safety and passenger safety, but sometimes the general safety of the company itself is overlooked. Every safe company protects itself from false claims. … Read more

Multi-Camera Systems Cover All Angles of Commercial Transit Vehicles

Image of semi-truck with multicamera dash cams from Vestige View

As a trucking fleet manager or owner, setting your fleet apart from the rest of your industry can be done in a multitude of ways. Having the most up to date and advanced hardware is one sure-fire path to reach that next level. While one dash cam in a vehicle can do a good job, … Read more

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