Is Your Organization Prioritizing Lone Worker Safety?

Fieldwork can be hazardous, particularly if done alone, in small groups, or in a distant area. On the other hand, workers in construction, safety, and security, as well as transportation and utility personnel, typically have a limited number of possibilities. Notwithstanding the dangers, the activities still need to be accomplished, and it is not always possible to remove all potential hazards. It is simply not possible or reasonable to expect it to happen.

The majority of us have to think about how many different ways there are to categorize those who work alone. After all, lone professionals are expected to fulfill their professional obligations without the assistance of any coworkers. Those who hold permanent employment, such as dispatchers, guards, or even mobile workers, outside representatives, project managers, auditors, and visiting nurses, are all included in this group. Even though many of these jobs do not typically involve hazardous chemicals or equipment, they can nevertheless be dangerous in some circumstances, such as when there is a medical emergency or an unexpected incident with another person.

Are you conscious of the risks and responsibilities?

Aside from the fact that all employers have the moral and legal responsibility to provide for the health and safety of their workforce, it stands to reason that organizations should have mechanisms in place to ensure that remote employees have access to emergency alert applications and user-friendly communication technology. Keeping these considerations in mind, it stands to reason that organizations should have mechanisms in place to ensure that remote employees have access to emergency alert applications. It is possible to say the same thing about command and control centers. Not only are operations coordinators and supervisors required to be able to contact an employee or otherwise find out their status for reasons pertaining to safety, but they are also required to be able to communicate additional information, updates, and redeployment.

The question now is, what is the solution? In short, reflecting on the past, anticipating the future, maintaining awareness, and taking action. When faced with a situation that is mission-critical, it is absolutely necessary to think about what has occurred in the past, what is occurring right now, what alternatives are possible or unlikely, and what options are available both tactically and strategically. This is normal for the majority of mission-critical situations. As a consequence, the information should be utilized to effect changes in workplaces that employ lone individuals to enhance the flow of information, making those workplaces safer and more secure.

Make a commitment to approaches that are both realistic and proactive.

You can include lone worker safety precautions into commonplace objects like two-way radios, cell phones, and wearable alarms or cameras, among other things. These characteristics are prevalent in many workplaces in the modern era. It is possible for technology interfaces with AVL components, geofencing, sensor-based alerts, and voice communications to automatically find trends or locations and relay that information back to central operations workers and management in real time. Certain interfaces make it possible for teams working in the field and those working in the office to communicate or send text and voice alerts to one another using mobile apps installed on business or personal devices. You are able to receive these alerts on either your business devices or your personal devices. Additionally, if your company is looking for a stealthy and unobtrusive method to manage its workforce,  pendant alarms that work with one touch, smart ID badges, and wristbands are all feasible options that can be easily customized and modified to function with other solutions.

Although knowing how to make efficient use of technology is beneficial, the best tools you have for readiness and defense are your knowledge of the world around you and your engagement in it. Even if most companies make sure that the health and safety programs they establish for their workers meet the regulatory and industry standards, it is still vital to pay close attention and ensure that the best practices are kept in place.

Right now, it would be beneficial for your company to evaluate its commitment to prioritizing the safety of lone workers and its strategies for doing so. And while you are at it, why not assist others in protecting their lone workers by sharing your ideas, tales, or suggestions with them to protect their employees who work alone? Those who frequently toil alone could benefit significantly from the protection afforded by their prior experiences and the insights gained from those experiences, which could even end up saving their lives.

Vestige has a range of safety equipment and tools to help protect lone workers. From the PERSA – an employee safety device with a range of features including tracking and panic buttons to personal safety cameras, there is a solution for every kind of lone worker. For more information, get in touch with Vestige today. 

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