The Full View of Dashcams: The Pros and Cons of Implementing a Dashcam System

When your trucks exit your premises, the responsibility for your business lies in the hands of your drivers. The seriousness with which they embrace this responsibility – meeting customer demands, upholding your positive reputation, adhering to safety protocols, and safeguarding your company’s assets – should never be left to chance.

In unfortunate circumstances like accidents, the repercussions extend beyond potential injuries or the tragic loss of life; they also encompass the emotional toll on drivers and others involved, coupled with substantial costs. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the average cost of a fatal crash involving a large truck surpasses $3.6 million. Even non-fatal accidents can amount to nearly $200,000 in expenses. Furthermore, these incidents have an immeasurable negative impact on your company’s image.

Traditionally, placing trust in drivers to operate vehicles safely has been a matter of faith. However, technological advancements, specifically dashcams, now offer the ability to virtually “accompany” drivers and ensure they’re operating your valuable equipment securely, thereby promoting their safety and the safety of other road users. Dashcams form a potent component of a telematics toolkit, yet their value hinges on effective implementation and utilization.

The Dashcam Breakdown

Comprehending dashcams can feature up to eight distinct camera angles. The most widely used perspectives include the front view, capturing the road ahead in high definition, and the rearview, focusing on the driver’s actions behind the wheel. When integrated into your company’s telematics system, dashcams yield a comprehensive view of your drivers’ activities. They can also incorporate alerts for distracted driving, collision warnings, and other technology-driven safety features.

While integrating cameras into your vehicles is advantageous, certain considerations merit attention prior to introducing dashcams into your fleet’s safety program:

  • Gaining Driver Acceptance: Given the competitive labor market, the introduction of dashcams needs careful handling to avoid deterring driver recruitment and retention. Seasoned drivers, particularly those with favorable safety records, might resist surveillance while driving. Implementing a mentorship initiative, where experienced drivers with excellent safety records guide newer counterparts, can encourage responsible on-camera behavior.
  • Transparent Communication: Clear communication with drivers is pivotal. Articulate why dashcams are being installed, how they safeguard drivers, and how the captured data will be used.
  • Behavioral Change: Dashcams alone won’t instantaneously transform unsafe drivers into safe ones. However, when used in conjunction with coaching or mentorship, they can instigate positive behavioral shifts.
  • Enhancement, Not Replacement: Dashcams are a complement, not a substitute, to your safety program. Alongside dashcams, education, evaluation, coaching, and well-maintained equipment remain crucial.

DashCams are a Vital Tool 

Since your drivers carry the responsibility of your business daily, prioritizing their safety while safeguarding equipment and your company’s reputation is paramount. This underscores the importance of integrating dashcams into any technologically advanced fleet package and safety regimen.

When implemented correctly, with realistic expectations of their capabilities, dashcams offer significant returns on investment as a powerful safety technology.

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