3 Huge Ways You Can Show Drivers You Appreciate Their Hard Work

3 Huge Ways You Can Show Drivers You Appreciate Their Hard Work

Drivers are in short supply, and a lack of semi-truck drivers is one factor that has caused supply chain issues in 2021 and 2022.

Which means driver retention is more important than ever for the transportation industry.

Discover three relevant and practical ways you can show your drivers you appreciate them, which fosters better engagement and improved retention.

1)  Celebrate Safety

Acknowledge safe drivers on a regular basis. Consider weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual driver safety awards announced on your website, through social media, and within your company. Have a special day to present the award, or think about having a monthly get-together with employees to celebrate the safe drivers.

Of course, you can incentivize safe drivers, too, by offering perks such as a pay raise, bonuses, extra PTO, and other benefits. List these options, and how to get these incentives, clearly within your company’s documentation.

2)  Create Connections Among Drivers

Driving thousands of miles a year on highways can be a lonely profession, even if it has great financial benefits.

Create connections among drivers by fostering a sense of community and family within the company. Have monthly get-togethers to talk about company updates and driver updates. Gatherings can be picnics, pot lucks, or a catered lunch at a local venue.

Encourage mentoring where veteran drivers help young, newer drivers ease into their new careers. Veteran drivers with experience can give practical tips and tricks that may not be generally known to the industry as a whole, almost as if they are a wealth of knowledge about “I wish I had known that when I started 10 years ago.”

3)  Make Drivers’ Day Easier to Manage

The best way to do this is through digital tools to make mundane tasks easier to manage. Driver logs, dispatching, paying tolls, and touchless loading and unloading all make the daily lives of drivers more efficient so they can focus on what they were hired to do: deliver loads on time.

As such, using Vestige View’s enterprise-level safety solutions and fleet GPS cameras gives you insights as to how to manage your fleet more effectively, from hardware improvements to driver efficiency.

Talk to us to learn more.

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